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Tag Archives: Automobile

One of the best automobile brands, launches it’s Internet TV. BMW has created a unique channel, easy to navigate on and with quality content. There are films about it’s new efficient dynamics models, motorsports, it’s automobile and motorcycle models and BMW Innovation and Technology. The content is in a docu / brand films format, which is also a very good way to show who and what the brand is about. BMW is a visionary company and has well understood how to build a successful brand.

Below are a few BMW films.


BMW Vision EfficientDynamics. Part1

BMW Vision EfficientDynamics. Part 2

Chris Pfeiffer rides BMW Tower

BMW M3 GTR – Tommy Milner @Need For Speed

Mercedes Benz has just launch a Web TV Platform where you can experience exclusive films and exciting stories about vehicles, motorsports, music, lifestyle, behind the scenes … This is actually today one of the best examples of Brand Cinema and Brand Experience. Mercedes Benz and many other automobile manufacturers such as Porsche, BMW, Honda and Toyota have came up with a unique model of branded entertainment, where they communicate “their brand identity”, who they are.

This model has not yet proven to work better  than traditional Advertising and Commercials but it will very soon. Today Brand Cinema & Brand Experiences is a MUST for brands, particularly for automobile, hospitality, luxury & lifestyle and sports brands. Creating unique experiences for a brand will create more brand equity.

Official Mercedes Benz TV

Below are a few of Mercedes Benz ‘s latest films

Mercedes Benz’s SLS AMG…it’s coming:

Commercial “Lullaby” E-Class TVC:

Honda Films: Thought – Provoking Stories told through the experience of visionairies, friends and associates of Honda.

Filmmakers: Derek Cianfrance & Joe Berlinger

Failure: The Secret to Success: